Four Reasons Why Women Experience Pain in the Lower Stomach

Women have to deal with menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause. These issues come with side effects like body pain, muscular cramps, sharp jolts, etc. throughout their lives. Lower abdominal pain is very common in women and this indicates so many things. In order to find out the real cause of lower abdominal pain, you have to distinguish different types of ‎lower abdominal pain. Here are some of the causes of lower stomach pain in women according to obstetricians and gynecologists.

Why do women experience pain in the lower abdomen?

There are a lot of reasons for lower abdominal pain. Here are the four most common causes of lower abdominal pain:

  1. Digestive Issue
  2. Urinary Issue
  3. Reproductive Issue
  4. Hormonal Problem

Pain in the lower abdomen: Digestive Issue

One of the common causes of lower abdomen pain is related to your digestive system. Symptoms like abdominal bloating, constipation, and passing motions, or excessive wind all result in lower abdominal pain. If your lower abdominal pain is associated with your digestive system, you have to look inside your body closely and watch what you eat. In order to find out whether lower abdominal pain is a result of the digestive system or not, you have to watch for the symptoms after you eat. Does your pain trigger after you eat certain foods? Keep a record of the symptoms you experience after eating a certain food. Maintaining a food diary will be a great help. In this diary, you can write what you ate and how you felt after eating.

In case your lower abdominal pain is associated with your eating habit, you might experience symptoms like constipation, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, or Irritable Bowel Syndrome. If you are eating or drinking too much, you might also experience excessive flatulence. On the other hand, if you are eating after a gap of long hours, you might experience gastritis. Inflammatory Bowel Disease and gastritis can lead to serious conditions such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.

Pain in the lower abdomen: Urinary problem

Conditions such as cystitis (inflammation in the urinary bladder) and Urinary Tract Infection also cause pain in the lower abdomen. In most cases, cystitis is a common problem and it can pass away in 2-3 days, however, when it does not go away, it can bring more complications such as Urinary Tract Infection. Interestingly, cystitis or inflammation of the urinary bladder is also a result of Urinary Tract Infection. Urinary Tract Infection can occur in men and women of all ages, however, it is more common in women.

Cystitis can occur for various reasons, such as friction during sex, using perfumed soap or shower gel in the vaginal area, etc. Urinary Tract Infection can be due to poor hygiene during menstruation, pregnancy, or even diabetics. Urinary Tract Infection can be a serious problem if not addressed timely.

Pain in the lower abdomen: Reproductive issues

For some women menstrual time is very painful, they experience cramps and pain in the lower abdomen. If you experience pain in your lower abdomen during menstruation, it can a reproductive issue. Sometimes a contraceptive pill can also lead to lower abdominal pain. Interestingly, if you are experiencing lower abdominal pain during menstruation, your doctor can also recommend you contraceptive pill. Lower abdominal pain is also very common during the menopause stage. It is also very common to experience pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy.

Pain in the lower abdomen: Hormonal Issue

Sometimes lower abdominal pain is also a result of hormonal imbalance. If you have hypothyroid or hyperthyroid, you might experience pain in the lower abdomen. Thyroid disease and celiac disease can cause a hormonal imbalance in your body resulting in pain in the lower half of your body.


It is difficult to understand the real cause of lower abdominal pain by yourself. If you start googling, you might be overwhelmed and your conditions might worsen because you cannot properly understand whether your pain is general or is indicating some serious conditions. The right way to tackle your problem is by seeing a doctor.

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