How Passion Defines Human Relationship

Dictionary defines passion as a strong feeling of emotion, or intimate desire.  Passion is also described as something that is strongly desired. Based on these definitions, we can exemplify passion in the following ways.

He is a passionate man

He was passionate towards his girlfriend

Football is his passion.

Passion is something that is felt or expressed. Expression of passion is done in various ways. Interestingly, since ancient times, passion has also been well explored in literature, art and music. That’s because human beings are passionate by nature.

Love is a passion. Sex is also a passion. Human beings feel both love and sex.

Since ancient time human beings have explored passion in sexual way. For example, there is overwhelming presence of sexual imagery. One of the common expressions of human passion in art form is a sculpture named David by Michelangelo. David is considered one of the best artworks in the middle age. Another great artwork from middle age is Monalisa by Leonardo Da Vinci.

Look at the contradiction. Mona Lisa is a painting of all covered up woman and David is a sculpture of nude male. Michelangelo sculptured nude male and Leonardo Da Vinci pained covered up woman. They were just using form; nudity or covering up both had nothing to do with the perfection of their works.

Leonardo Da Vinci cannot be labeled as better than Michelangelo simply because one explored emotion in a general way and another explored passion in sexual way.

Michelangelo’s David is nude. Can this be termed as pornography? If nudity is not pornography what is pornography actually? No one will consider Michelangelo’s David as pornography, however, if a British football player David Beckham poses nude for a magazine, it can be termed pornography. How pornography different from erotic art?

Not just in art, sexual passion is also explored in writing. If you are a “passionate” reader, you might have heard, if not read, Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita, or D. H Lawrence’s Chatterley’s Lover. No one considers Vladimir Nabokov and D. H Lawrence as “porn writers,” however, Lolita and Chatterley’s Lover, both novels brim with “too much” intimate scenes.

Usually, intimate relationship is analyzed through moral and ethical perspective. Most of the world religions profess celibacy until you get married. However, the religion does not properly answer for an adult who is unmarried but want to have intimate relationship. Intimate relationship is as important as eating. If you do not have a good sex life, it is likely that you get corrupted. Rape and other forms of sexual assaults occur because of corrupted mind. In many societies, having sex before marriage is not supported by the traditional norm. However, in these societies, the modern perspective on having sex is “it is ok to have sex with mutual agreement between the adults who are not blood related.”

Most of the world religions including but not limited to Hinduism, Islam and Christianity, do not approve intimate relationship outside the context of marriage.  However, these religions accept importance of sex, that’s why they developed the institution of marriage.

Desire for physical relation is a natural urge whereas marriage is an institution. Actually, marriage is a system institutionalized to fulfill the natural need for physical relation. The purpose of marriage institution may be love, companionship and children; however, the ultimate aim of getting married is sexual satisfaction. In psychological term, marriage is a way to gratify biological needs.

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