No Such Thing as Anti-Aging. Age Happens! If We Live.

Anti-aging? Oh! Do you mean never getting old? If you do then wise up! There is no fountain of youth. Age happens! If we live.

It’s true that life is brief but sometimes the years just seem to drag on and on and on. Wouldn’t mind so much if youth and the joys of being young could last a little longer.

Oh sure! The bar keeps changing. (So they say.)

60 is the new 30; 90 is the new 60.

Who are we kidding?

30 will always be 30; and 90 will always be 90; and when we go across age 45 (for some 50), we end up in one of 3 categories.

CAT 1: We accept the reality that life progresses or passes, give thanks for the health we have, and age gracefully.

CAT 2: We spend all of our money, and our remaining time, energy and effort trying to prove we still got it!

CAT 3: We lament, for had we known we were going to have our bodies for so long, we would have taken better care of ourselves.

Unless … we happen to be Mick Jagger or Madonna.

Where do those two get the energy to still be bouncing all over the stage like they do? (O.o)

CAT 1: We accept the reality that life progresses or passes, give thanks for the health we have, and age gracefully. Are you in this category?

I am happy to say that I am in this category. Although when it comes to aging gracefully? Let’s just say that I have seen some of my friends from back in the day and they look fabulous!! Way better than me! But … nevertheless … I am still beautiful on the inside. LOL.

CAT 2: We spend all of our money, and our remaining time, energy and effort trying to prove we still got it! Are you in this category?

I am definitely NOT in this category. Although … if I had the money … I wonder if I would be tempted to spend it on facial plastic surgery, tummy tucks, liposuction, etc. Or … would I look a charity or a good work and spend the money that way? Hmmm? Nah! There’s no temptation there. I would most certainly seek out a humanitarian effort and donate a monetary contribution. I would rather spend the money helping others than on my vanity.

CAT 3: We lament, for had we known we were going to have our bodies for so long, we would have taken better care of ourselves. Are you in this category?

I actually met a guy in this category. In fact, he’s the one I borrowed this joke from. I was in a store one day shopping and there were some young ladies also in the store. They were quite attractive. The one man who worked behind the counter at the store, obviously admiring the ladies, heaved a huge sigh and said: “I’d have taken care of my body, if I had known I was going to keep it this long.”

Now isn’t that a true statement? When we’re young we think we’re invincible and our bodies can take all kinds of abuse and will last forever.

But! Age happens. If we live.

Ten Tips for Healthy Aging | Aging Resource Center | Dartmouth-Hitchcock

4 thoughts on “No Such Thing as Anti-Aging. Age Happens! If We Live.

  1. Age does happen if we live but as long as we remain positive we can feel years younger since age as such is only a number.

  2. I prefer to be natural, and not trying to fine tone my body system to look more deceiving. We can’t cheat nature, when nature hits us the real identity shows off.

  3. Just like seasons changing, our bodies age as part of life. Accepting this reality helps us focus on healthy aging instead of chasing an unrealistic ideal.Eating healthy, exercising, and avoiding harmful substances can delay the effects of aging and promote longevity. However, these practices cannot completely prevent aging.Instead of obsessing over age, embrace each stage of life and prioritize experiences, relationships, and personal growth. This leads to a more meaningful and joyful journey

  4. Aging can be a big problem when it relates to sex or memory. However, things like losing hair and bags under the eyes are minor concerns. Anyway, I was reading on the net that nitric oxide was highly important in aging and the fact was that many or most people lose too much of it due to bad diet and other things. Has anyone also heard this stuff? Well, this lends hope for my mom who is suffering from Alzheimer’s and for me while I tackle serious aging issues being in my late forties.

    Who has or knows people with serious aging problems? Myself, I disagree the article when it says we shouldn’t care how we treated ourselves. Well, maybe that’s true to a degree, but I’m not interested in horrific Alzheimer’s, that’s for sure!

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