How You Can Manage Your Physical Pain Through Meditation

Well, you heard this right, you can reduce or manage pain through meditation. A general concept…

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Manage Pain, Stress, and Anxiety with These 10 Best Alternative Healing Methods

Wellbeing and wellness refer to the mental, physical, and emotional conditions where an individual is happy,…

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Dealing With Depression: My Personal Experience

We all are different, we think different, we act differently. Therefore, treatment, whether it is for…

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Ayurvedic Panchakarma Treatment for Holistic Healing

Ayurveda is an ancient Hindu medicinal system for holistic healing. Ayurveda uses various techniques for healing…

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What is Psychoanalysis? How Psychotherapy is Used to Treat Depression

Psychoanalysis is a method to treat mental disorders. In psychoanalysis, unconscious mind is unraveled thus making…

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Alternative Living Space: Shipping Container Home

So you are planning a shipping container home, is shipping container home for you? Here are…

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4 Common Spices Used in Indian Cuisine

Many years ago when I was working for a US-based company as an affiliate marketer, I…

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Considerations For Buying And/Or Selling The Farmland

People easily say how it is easy to buy and sell farmland. It may not be…

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4 Medicinal Flowers and Plants for Wellbeing and Wellness

Learning about the medicinal uses and benefits of flowers and plants has become a new passion…

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Carl Jung Theory of Electra Complex

Electra complex, in psychoanalysis, is a daughter’s rivalry towards her mother and unconscious physical desire for…

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