Therapeutic Value of Reading and Writing: How Reading and Writing Can Actually Help You

Writing is Therapeutic

Dictionary defines a writer as a person who writes books, stories, articles etc. and chooses a platform (online, print) to get people to read his written works. Dictionary also states that a person who is able to write in his/her chosen language, and has written something is a writer.

If you have written dissertations while in school, college and university, does this make you a writer? In such case, the first definition does not make you a writer, but the second definition does. When we say writer, most of the time we go by the first definition.

I always differentiate writing and publishing. While writing, I always brood on the ideas and thoughts that I’m intending to share with the people. After my writing gets published, I usually ponder on how much money my work will earn me. Money is always the secondary thing when I am writing. However, money is the main concern when I publish my work.

Writing is the art of expressing creative vision. Publishing is the art of selling the vision. Writing is the art of creativity, publishing refers to making money from your creativity.

Writing is therapeutic. If you want to address mental health and self-heal, you can resort to writing your thoughts and feelings. If you are suffering from stress, anxiety, and depression, you can address these issues in words.  If you are frustrated, sad, angry, writing helps. If you are taking bed rest because of physical injury, and frustrated over your condition writing will sublimate your pent up emotions.

Writing is one of the best ways to cure your conditions and ailments. Writing is therapeutic. Writing gives you freedom to express anything. The feeling of freedom is wonderful.

Writing engages your mind and channelizes your emotions, which means you can easily discard your anxiety, stress, depression, sadness, anger.

Since you are able to share your pent up emotions, you will be able to relieve your mind.

Through writing, you enter the world unknown, place untraveled. You meet wonderful people, who unlike real life people cannot hurt you, physically or emotionally.

Before you begin to ponder on the therapeutic value of writing or the question “why do you write, bear with me for a minute or two and read the reasons why I write.

I write because I have stories to tell, I want my voice to be heard, I want to channelize the voices I hear deep inside me, I want to sublimate and express my emotions, and I want to talk to the world.

Why we write? The simplest answer is to communicate; to share our thoughts, experience, dreams, aspirations, feelings, emotions, understandings, views, visions to the world.

Writing cannot evolve in complete vacuum. Writing cannot exist in solitary.

What’s my point in writing aforementioned lines; that, we need motivation in writing. So what are the motivation factors in writing? Money is number one motivation factor for writing. If you earn from writing, you keep on writing. Writing earns you money, and money is one of the pleasure and happiness triggering factors.

Another motivation factor is gaining readership. As long as people read your works, you will continue writing. Appreciation can also motivate you to write. If your writing is appreciated, you will be encouraged to write more. Last but not the least critique is also a motivation factor. If you get feedback, you will always want to do better.

Reading is Cathartic: How Reading Can Make You Emotionally Strong

Writing has one purpose: to communicate. In the ancient time, our ancestors wrote symbols, drawing and letters to tell sometime. Reading has two purpose, to learn something new, to amuse oneself.

I am a reader, I love reading all kinds of genres. For instance, I read poetry, short story, flash fiction, novel, drama, essay, memoir, biography, autobiography, religion, philosophy, anthropology, history etc. However, when I read creative writings, I prefer prose over poetry. Short story and novel are my favorite genres in prose. When I read non-creative writings, I prefer anthropology and religion.

I’m a voracious reader. Usually, I spend substantial amount of time doing some serious reading. When I was young, I used to read different kinds of books, however, as I am growing older, I am becoming more selective about the subjects I read.

When I was a kid, I read what my father wanted me to read. I read Hans Christian Anderson, Grimm Brothers, Panchantra (Hindu Fables) Jatak Katha (Buddhist tales) and folk tales and moral stories from different cultures and countries.

In my early adolescent years, I read simplified and abridged versions of the books by Shakespeare, R.L. Stevenson, Charles Dickens etc. As I grew near the upper teen threshold, I took interest in reading religion, philosophy, psychology, culture, and world literature,

In my adulthood, I became more interested in Hindu religion and philosophy, Buddhist religion and philosophy, western philosophy, social/cultural anthropology, history, and literature.

Reading has multiple purposes, for instance for knowledge, wisdom, life skills etc. Reading is one of the important learning techniques. Reading is very necessary for the development of mind and conscience. Reading is very popular, and off course very cheap, medium of entertainment. Reading makes you aware about your inner and outer world.Reading increases your social responsibilities.

Every man and woman should read according to his or her interest. Reading and writing goes hand in hand.  I read fiction for pleasure as well as to learn the craft. I read non-fiction to acquire knowledge and wisdom, and find subject matter for my writing. I read novels, stories, poetry and essays. I love to read history, religion and philosophy, social/cultural anthropology, psychology and such more. I read because I write.

The first thing I read after I began to recognize alphabets was a story from Panchantatra, a Hindu Book of fables, in my mother tongue, and The Little Red Riding Hood, in English.

I still remember the evening when my father bought these books and spread before me. My memories of me as three-years-old are cleared except reading these books.

Perhaps, this event indicated that later in my life I would be a book lover and a book collector. Unfortunately, most of the books I read as a child are lost during the process of moving homes, however, today I have built my personal library with about 5000 books, 7 thousand magazines, 7 GB of ebooks.

Reading is just a matter of interest, therefore, we should not criticize people because they don’t read, or make fun of people because of their reading interest. Those who never read could also criticize us for not partying or gaming. Thus, the question in the title is indicated to the individuals who love reading.

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