What is Cataract and How to Treat Cataract

How to Take Care for Your Eyes

Before you set your sights on a sophisticated camera, spare a thought for the gift of sight given to you by nature, your eyes. I read somewhere that this marvel is made of over two million working parts and is one of those wonderful gifts most of us take for granted. We can see because in our eyes we have crystalline lenses that change focus according to the distance.

What is cataract?

When the normal crystalline lens which is clear and transparent at birth becomes cloudy and opaque as age advances, thereby causing blurring of vision, this makes life difficult and driving almost impossible at night. This haziness or cloudiness of the lenses is called a cataract, if you feel your vision is deteriorating day by day and simple tasks are becoming difficult, you must get yourself evaluated for cataracts.

One should get it operated on as soon as the cataract begins to affect the daily activities. Do not wait to get the cataract to mature. There are certain symptoms of cataracts that include dim or blurry vision. In most cases, the patients experience yellowed vision or even double vision in one or both eyes.

The most irritating feeling in cataracts is a lack of contrast or clarity of vision which makes it difficult necessary for clear vision. After all, a person needs the right eyesight for all his work, reading, driving, and other necessary work-related activities.


If we go into the scientific details of Phakomatoses it is the neuro-oculo-cutaneous syndromes or neurocutaneous disorders which make vision distorted or blurred. It leaves no option but to go for surgery which is the only treatment for cataracts. One should get operated on as soon as the cataract begins to affect the daily activities; there is no need to wait for the cataract to mature.

Treatment Options

The only treatment option for cataracts is surgery. Cataract surgery involves breaking the cataract into small pieces and removing them through special equipment. The surgery involves making a 2.5-2.8 mm incision with a needle.

There are not many options of surgery for Phakomatoses but the most preferred option is Phacoemulsification with foldable intraocular lens implantation, also known as the no-stitch, no pad, and no injection surgery method.

Once the old lens is removed it is then replaced by the intra-ocular lens, these lenses are available according to the requirements of the person, and are tailor-made, one can get rid of reading glasses even if he was using them since childhood.

There is a number of different qualities of the lens according to your pocket. Discuss the right option with your doctor to choose the lens most suited for you, because your eyes are the most precious organ of your body. I think everyone deserves the best as far as your eye is concerned you cannot make a compromise.

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