Hello Summer: How to Stay Fit During the Heat

It seems that the window of opportunity for working out in perfect conditions is fairly small – in the winter we feel sluggish and it’s simply too cold, and the upcoming summer is too hot. We’re like Goldilocks –we’re looking for weather that’s just right. Well, you know as well as we do that these are all just excuses, and while sweltering heat might not represent the perfect exercise environment, slacking off or giving up is simply out of the question, mainly due to the fact that you’ve already worked so hard, and you know how difficult it is to get back into the swing of things once you take a time-out. So, in order to keep you motivated and help you weather the heat, we’ve come up with some effective tips that will enable you to keep pursuing your fitness goals, rain or shine (mostly shine), so let’s get right down to it.

Become an early bird

One of the most effective ways to beat the heat is to get an early start. First of all, exercising in the morning has proven to be far more effective than any other time of day, as it provides you with the energy and concentration levels that will, in turn, grace you with a productive day. Secondly, you get to escape the heat, and that is your main goal after all. Get up at five, get your sportswear ready for you on the chair, make a protein smoothie and hit the road before the heat creeps up on you.

Split it up

If you can’t take the time for a full session in one go so early in the morning, try to split your sessions into smaller chunks. For instance, do a 10 to 15 minute set and then stop, and then later in the day, (despite the heat) do a different set that you didn’t get to do during the first session. You will get hot, but as the entire process lasts from 10 to 20 minutes max, you’ll be able to handle it. Your body will slowly acclimatize to the heat, and you’ll actually be able to get through an entire session. Just give your body time to adjust to the weather, and once it does, you won’t even have to split your workouts anymore. It’s just a matter of creating a habit.

On your own terms

Many people who have issues working out in such heat have found the perfect solution – they stay in and work out at home. Most homes have air conditioning, so you are in full control of the amount of heat. However, working out at home can be limiting in terms of the amount and variety of exercises you can do, so if you find working out at home works best for you, it would be wise to invest in great exercise equipment. It does take a toll on your wallet at the given moment, but when you think about all the money you’ll save on gym memberships in the long run, it is totally worth it. Aside from escaping the heat, you get the luxury of exercising when it’s most convenient for you, so when you think about it, this is a total win-win situation.

Mind the gear

We all know that certain fabrics and colors are your enemy during heat, so when you do head out, make sure you do it wearing the proper attire. Avoid dark colors as well as body-hugging, tight clothes, as they will seal all the sweat in and not allow it to evaporate, leaving you feeling like you’re in an oven. Loose cotton tees and natural cotton sweats in light colors are your best friend during this season, so make sure you stock up on breathable and light exercise basics.

Keep the hydration levels up

Physicians and nutritionists are always reminding us to drink at least two liters of water, as this regular and plentiful water intake helps the metabolism and keeps the kidneys healthy. However, as someone who breaks a lot of sweat, and even more so during this scorching heat, you might want to bring the biggest bottle possible to all your subsequent workout sessions. Dehydration can lead to cramping, fatigue and muscle soreness, and this is the last thing you want. It’s simple logic – in the summer, you lose more water so you need to drink more in order to maintain the right hydration balance.

One thought on “Hello Summer: How to Stay Fit During the Heat

  1. Sporting activities helps excrete the toxic in the body that makes us feel dizzy attracting the heat. We should always open our windows during the heat period to let ventilation in. Also we should take shower when the heat is much to keep the body at stable temperature.

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