How Eating More Protein Helps in Weight Loss?

It is a well-known fact that protein is very important for the body. While all six major components of foods (protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and fiber) are necessary for the human body, protein probably tops the list as it builds the body. We get protein from the plant-based foods (beans, soy, etc.) or animal-based foods (meat, eggs, milk, etc.). However, due to the poor selection of foods or ignorance, most of us lack the required amount of protein. That’s the reason why we see a lot of protein powders in the market.

What Protein Does to Your Body

As mentioned above, protein builds your body; in other words, protein builds cells, tissues, muscles, bones, blood, skin, enzymes, and hormones. Even your nails and hair are mostly protein. Protein helps you gain body mass.

Apart from building your body, protein also helps in losing weight. Well, this might sound contradictory. How does protein help in weight loss when the primary function of protein is to build body mass?

Protein builds body mass, yet it does not contribute to fats and cellulite. In fact, eating protein has been found to be highly beneficial in burning fats in your body. Multiple studies have confirmed that eating protein boosts metabolism, higher metabolism contributes to weight loss. Protein also makes you fuller for a longer period of time, thus you don’t have to munch extra calories every now and then. When you are eating less, you are obviously cutting weight.

How Eating More Protein Helps in Weight Loss

Even though there have been numerous studies on how eating more protein helps in weight loss, a lot of people still find it hard to believe that protein can actually help in weight loss. That’s because the idea that “protein builds the body and help you gain body mass” is deeply ingrained in their brain. While this idea is correct, people need to update with another fact that protein helps in weight loss.

Weight gain is primarily the fat build up around the abdomen area and the hips. Protein can help you reduce belly fats as well as fats on the hips.

1. Protein changes the levels of “weight gain” hormones: Eating more proteins will help to change the levels of “weight gain” hormones. In other words, protein controls the hormones that are responsible for weight gain. Your body weight is controlled by a specific cerebrum zone called the hypothalamus. When you are eating more protein, the hypothalamus will produce more “satisfying” hormones and decrease the productions of “cravings” hormones. Called ghrelin, this hormone that makes you crave for food is responsible for your weight gain as you always feel like eating. When this hormone is controlled, you no longer have cravings, thus, you are not taking extra calories

2. Protein improves metabolism and burns calories: When your body gets enough protein, your metabolism improves. Metabolism is the body’s ability to use energy. Protein improves metabolism by burning calories.

3. Protein stops calorie intake by controlling your appetite: Protein is heavy food, in other words, your body takes a long time to process the protein you consume. Therefore, after eating a protein-based diet, or eating more protein, you feel fuller for a longer period of time. Protein will control your appetite. When you are eating less, you are putting fewer calories inside your body.

4. Protein cuts the desire to eat between the meals, or nibble junk foods: Since protein stops your food cravings by controlling a hormone related to the “cravings” you will no longer be nibbling junk food.

Adverse Effects of Eating too Much Protein

Well, protein builds muscles, helps you to lose weight, but then you might also be wondering whether there are any drawbacks of eating too much protein. Or let say, how much protein should you eat every day, in other words, what is the recommended quantity of protein?

Protein is processed by liver. If you are eating too much protein, you might be giving your liver work load. Therefore, when you are eating protein, you must also be eating fats because fats help the protein to break down thus allowing the liver to produce ketones which will then work as the energy for your body.

Secondly, eating too much protein also hampers your renal functions, which might lead to stone formations in the kidneys.

Thirdly, eating too much protein also might create complications in your heart.

Some other minor health complications caused by eating too much protein include constipation, bad breath, diarrhea, etc.

How do you minimize the risk of eating too much protein? Make sure you drink a lot of water so that your kidney functions well. You also have to eat a lot of dietary fiber to minimize heart risk caused by eating too much protein.

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