How to Use Epsom Salt and Vinegar in Organic Gardening

Epsom salt is very different from table salt. The word salt in Epsom salt is used because of the similar chemical composition. Interestingly, the name Epsom comes from Epsom, a small town in England, where Epsom salt was discovered. Epsom salt has multiple uses, you can treat constipation, sleep problems, stress, and fungal infections with Epsom salt. Epsom salt is also beneficial for plants. It can be used to provide nutrients as well as control fungal infections in plants. If you want to try organic gardening, and wondering how to use Epsom salts for your plants, we have covered some key areas where you can use Epsom salt in organic gardening.

Epsom salt is actually hydrated magnesium sulfate and based on its name, it contains magnesium which is one of the important nutrients for your plants, especially vegetables. That is why experienced gardeners called the Epsom salt a “major-minor nutrient.” This “salt” will help speed up your plant growth, it will increase your plants’ nutrient update, increase the flavor of your fruit, and most of all, it will give a boost to your plants’ health and as a result, it will provide you sweeter and tastier vegetable from your garden.

How to you apply Epsom Salt on your plant?

  • Before planting, mix 1 cup of Epsom salt into your soil per 100 square feet. This will help seeds germinate fast and seedling grow rapidly.
  • When you are transplanting seedlings, add little bit of Epso salt in each hole where you are planting the seedling. However, to avoid burhing cover Epsom salt with a think soil layer before placing the plant.
  • Alternatively, you can also soak the roots of the seedlings in Epsom salt water (halt cup Epsom salt in one gallon water. This will make plants immune to infections.
  • Another way to use Epsom salt is sprinkling a thin layer of Epsom salt around the stem of the seedling and then eatering the plant.
  • You can also water your plants with Epsom salt solution by adding 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt to a gallon of water to boost and improve the overall health of your plants.

How does Epsom salt help your plants?

  • It improves nutrient absorption capacity. One of the primary benefits of using Epsom salt is it improves nutrient absorbing capacity in plants. That is the reason why tomatoes need Epsom salt two times more than any other plant. Tomato plants need calcium to prevent blossom-end rot and calcium compliments with magnesium in order to yield better and also make the fruits sweeter. You can make Epsom saltwater solution and spray on your tomato fruits. You can also water your tomato plants with at least 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt per gallon of water every two weeks. Just like the tomatoes, peppers also like Epsom salt. Use Epson salt and Epsom salt solution to water or spray on your peppers for higher yields.
  • It will improve seed germination. The magnesium in Epsom salt will help in the germination of seeds and it will strengthen the cell walls leading to stronger seedlings.
  • Prevents transplant shock. Sometimes when you transplant seedlings, the seedling cannot survive the new environment thus dies. However, you can use Epsom salt to help your transplanted seedlings to cope in a new environment. Epsom salt will also help root injury if any during the transplanting.
  • Makes leaves greener. Pale leaves mean the plants are not getting enough magnesium. When the plant does not get enough magnesium, chlorophyll will not be produced in enough amount and leaves will lose green color. Epsom salts contain a lot of Magnesium. You can spray Epsom saltwater on your plant every 3-4 weeks.
  • Stops curling of leaves. Normally curling of leaves means there is aphids or insects at the back of the leaves. However, if there are not insects at the back of the leaves, then your plants need magnesium.
  • Makes your fruit sweeter. Do you want sweet flavor for your plants? Adding some Epsom salt will boost chlorophyll levels inside the plant cells and increasing their energy, thus producing more sugar in the fruit.
  • Improves color. Epsom salt not only improves color in fruits but also in flowers. You can spray Epsom water solution in your flowers like rose, hibiscus, etc. to make them more vibrant.

How to Use Vinegar in Your Garden

Do you have problems in your garden such as pests, insects, weeds, rusted tools, molds on pots, etc? Why not use something from your kitchen, the Vinegar! Vinegar contains acetic acid and this mild acid will help you with some of your garden problems. These are just a few uses of vinegar, there’s a lot more. Here are 7 popular uses of vinegar in your garden.

  • Insect Repellent

Insects are always a problem for gardeners and they end up spending a lot of money to get rid of these pests. Vinegar has numerous uses and one of them is to repel these stubborn insects. Vinegar contains mild acetic acid that has a detrimental effect on insects. So instead of buying costly insecticides that are harmful to the ecology and to humans, give natural insect repellents a try. Here are some recipes:

  1. Recipe # 1 – 1 part water and 1 part vinegar. Add any or all of these herbs, mint, lavender, sage, thyme. Shake well and let it steep overnight. Use this as a spray.
  2. Recipe # 2 – 1 part vinegar and 1 part water. Add 10-15 drops of any of these essential oils: mint, tea tree, spearmint, lavender, lemon, lemongrass, clove, citronella, or eucalyptus.
  • Kill Weeds

Are you tired of pulling those stubborn weeds that are consuming nutrients originally meant for your plants? Use vinegar to kill weeds. CAUTION: Be careful in using vinegar to kill weeds because, like most commercial herbicides, it’s non-selective, it can also kill your plants too. But not like other weed killers, it is safe for the environment and to humans.

  • Get Rid of Ants

Did you know that ants are aphids helpers? The next time you see ants in your garden, remove them immediately. To kill ants with vinegar, mix 1 part water and 1 part vinegar. Spray directly to the ants to kill them.

  • Extend Cut Flowers Life

If you’re selling cut flowers or sending cut flowers to your loved ones, perhaps you will like this. It will save you from losing money. You can use vinegar to extend the life of most varieties of cut flowers. You need a combination of sugar and vinegar. The sugar will serve as the food for the flowers while the vinegar creates a favorable pH balance.

  • Insect Bait

Do you know what attracts insects? The same thing that attracts us, fragrance. To prevent these insects from harming your plants, go back to your kitchen and get some vinegar and use it as insect bait. Here’s how you can do it. Pour 1-2 teaspoons of vinegar in a plastic jar and cover it with a white plastic bag, and secure with a rubber band. Cut a small hole in the plastic bag to let insects go inside. This will work as an insect trap.

  • Remove Rusts

To clean rusted garden tools, soak the metal in white vinegar for a few hours and then scrub. If the tool is too big to soak, pour a layer over the top and allow it time to set.

  • Clean Dirty Garden Pots

Over time, your pots will accumulate dirt, molds, and fungus which will affect your plants as well. Clean your garden containers with vinegar and water before reusing them. Soak your containers in 3 parts water and one part vinegar. Scrub the stubborn dirt and rinse under cold water. Allow them to dry before using them.

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