Benefits of Garlic for Heart Health

Sulfur compounds made from allicin give garlic its odoriferous flavor. Allicin is an active ingredient that is responsible for the health benefits that garlic offers. Garlic can be used in many different ways to get benefits for your health like using garlic oil,  and garlic powder. The properties of garlic can be a good side therapy for people who are already being treated for cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, and even diabetes. It can reduce the risk of stroke or heart attack.

Since February is American Heart Month, it is time to start thinking of reducing your risk of heart disease, and putting a dose of garlic into your diet is a great start. Garlic includes the sulfur compound known as allicin, and it forms when garlic cloves are chopped, crushed, or chewed. Clinical studies have shown that garlic offers many health benefits that pertain to heart health. It can improve your cholesterol levels and will lower your LDL or bad cholesterol number by as much as 10 to 15 percent.

It is not difficult to include garlic in your diet. You can add grated or chopped cloves to different greens like spinach. Add whole garlic cloves to roasted potatoes.  You can add crushed garlic to Italian dishes or even salads. So look to garlic to improve your heart health, including lowering blood pressure and cholesterol. This will help you to prevent heart disease and the risk of heart attacks. Just check with your doctor if you’re already taking heart medication to know about the doses of garlic you can use in your diet so that this won’t interfere with your medicine.

Always choose the freshest bulb of garlic and make sure they haven’t spouted. Remember that the fresher the garlic, the higher is the concentration of its active ingredients. Store your garlic in a cool and dark place. To get its full benefits slice it, chop it, grate it, or smash it and include it in your cooking. Be sure to get plenty of exercises as well, and your body will be grateful to you. Your daily dose of garlic will help you get energized and will keep your heart healthy in whatever form you choose to use it. You can even brew yourself some garlic tea by bringing three cloves to a boil in three cups of water and adding ½ cup of honey and ½ cup of fresh lemon juice.

3 thoughts on “Benefits of Garlic for Heart Health

  1. Garlic is also good if you are suffering from gastritis. You should take garlic in the morning with a glass of water to maximise its benefits.

  2. You can mince a clove of garlic or use a teaspoon of garlic powder. Put it in hot water and drink like tea. The taste may be bitter. But it helps lower your blood pressure.

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